PMA Graduate Student Isabel Padilla Carlo Selected to be a Graduate Student Representative for the Dance Studies Association and Selected for Northwestern Institute

PMA Graduate Student Isabel Padilla Carlo has been selected to be the Graduate Student Representative 2024-2026 on behalf of the Dance Studies Association (DSA). DSA is a member-driven US based international organization of dance scholars, educators, and artists.

“I feel incredibly grateful to be selected for this position. As an emerging dance studies scholar, my goal is to empower other forthcoming graduate students by creating opportunities to engage with scholars who are further along in their careers and fostering spaces for curious dialogue between different areas of study. I am beyond excited to continue growing within this organization, surrounded by other thinkers and movers.” 

Isabel has also been selected for the 2024 Northwestern Performance Studies Summer Institute which will take place on July 8-12. The Summer Institute in Performance Studies is an intensive week-long summer institute, sponsored by the Center for Global Culture and Communication, that involves IPTD and Performance Studies graduate students and a select number of students from other doctoral programs. Each year, the institute director, a member of the IPTD or Performance Studies associate faculty, selects a theme and invites faculty members from within and outside Northwestern to teach small seminars. The theme for this institute is “Performances in the Interstices of Radical Thought.”

Read more about the Dance Studies Association.

Read more about the 2024 Northwestern Performance Studies Summer Institute.

 Read more about Isabel Padilla Carlo.

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