Student Internship Evaluation Form

Completion of this evaluation is required of

  1. any PMA major in the College of Arts & Sciences who worked with or through PMA and/or Cornell in Hollywood to receive their internship;
  2. any PMA major in the College of Arts & Sciences wishing to receive academic credit;
  3. students in one of the four PMA minors in the College of Arts & Sciences who wish to receive academic credit.

If you wish to receive academic credit for your internship, the completed evaluation report will be used by the PMA Internship Faculty Advisor in assessing the eligibility of the internship experience for academic credit.

Your experiences are instrumental in helping other students make informed choices about where and how to seek internships. Information provided in this report may be used by PMA to publicize the internship program and may be shared with other Cornell students looking for internships in film, television, and the media. Personally identifying data will be removed from information used in this way. 

Please submit your completed evaluation report no later than September 1. 

For questions about completing this evaluation report, you may contact Christopher Riley, PMA Senior Department Manager, [email protected].

Part I: Student & Company Information
Part II: The Internship
Part III: Internship Location/General
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